Monday, December 28, 2009

Too Much Coffee

Another poem from college, written at a point when I'd had so much coffee that I discovered caffeine's psychotropic qualities.

Brave champion of the post-post modernist age
Don thy helm of a caffeine induced dementia.
Twould be no grand loss,
Twould be but sanity.
A meager price for string cheese words and troubled dreams.

Midnight movies and a promise that shines dull
in the optics of our frail forms.

Twere you to look upon it with spider like eyes
Faceted with a paper bag kaleidoscope.
Two faced, grinning moon roof
Snoopy’s ears catching wind
These are the best years of our lives,
deal with it kid.

Listen to my fingers doing nothing.
They are numb, can’t you feel.
Some friend you are!
Where is your empathy?
Where is your sensitivity?
Where is your goddamn understanding?!
Don’t you know that I can’t feel my hands.

I envy your lips.
They’ve touched those lips I dream of.
What right do they have?

Hello, Goodbye, Wait.
I think I remember you.
Come from those shadows.

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