Monday, December 28, 2009

Dream: 12/27/09

Captain Rousseau led Catherine by the hand through the doorway and up the stairs of splintered wood. The bridge of the Incomprehensible was completely enclosed by a glass roof and felt more a greenhouse than a command center. Where there weren’t paths of good old fashioned, planked wood, the desk was soil and sod. Tall ferns sprouted from the ship in spots and a small muster of peahen meandered about the grounds. Catherine had now been awake for more than 30 hours straight and her grasp of reality felt as slippery as a greased lemur.

“Mr. Rousseau, I really must insist that you let me go to my cabin.”

“Miss Rousseau.” The captain corrected. “I was born, and remain to this day, a woman but, to be honest, piracy is such a heavily male dominated occupation. I find that the ‘men’ under my command respond better to a captain with a certain level of masculinity, hence the goatee (which works wonders by the way.)”

Catherine was too tired to be surprised. “Be that as it may, I must, again, insist that you let me go rest. The world is slipping and becoming watery in my head.”

Miss Captain Rousseau sighed, “Very well, young miss Catherine. When you step off the bridge follow the hallway on the right and your cabin will be the fourteenth on the right. But, please, do mind the minotaur.”

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